Locate the screensaver and choose the uninstallation procedure. If the screensaver has been installed with an Axialis installation procedure, an uninstall entry has been added in the Windows control panel and in the Start menu. You can also choose another screensaver (or simply specify 'None') in the above list ( ).
When a screensaver is distributed as a simple SCR file, you have to locate the SCR file and delete it. If an uninstall procedure is provided with the screensaver, just uninstall it launching the procedure. The screensaver is automatically installed as the current Windows screensaver. You can adjust the screensaver settings or display it full screen ( ).ġ. The screensaver appears in the Preview screen ( ).Ĥ. (it should appear in this list if you copied it in the correct folder). Right-click in the Windows Desktop background and select 'Properties'. They can display vector graphic or text animations, play slide shows, animation, or videos, and may. Windows XP/VISTA x32/W7 x32 - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32Ģ. Screen savers are executable files that run when opened. Copy the SCR file in your Windows system folder. When a screensaver is distributed as a simple SCR file, you must follow one of the procedures below install it on a computer:Ĭopying the SCR file directly in the System folderġ. If an install procedure is provided with the screensaver, just install it launching the procedure. How to install a SCR screensaver on a computer.