In this post I’m going to concentrate on exploiting an older version of XAMPP server as well as stealing usernames and passwords from MySQL database tables from a particular website (DVWA) using the XAMPP vulnerability. I'm proud to announce two big news today: First, the new XAMPP with PHP 5.3.0 is finally released and allows everyone the experience of this new PHP version, and secondly, congratulations and many thanks to Carsten Wiedmann, who took over the responsibility for the Windows version.
New XAMPP 1.7.2 for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Kali ini afrizatul akan memberikan sebuah software aplikasi PC/Komputer yang wajib kamu persiapkan untuk melakukan kegiatan ngoding bagi kamu para programmer khususnya para web developer. Download Xampp versi 5 untuk PHP 5 dan Mysql – Hai semuanya sahabat terbaik dari blog.